The Fan Girl: Top 5 films of 2017

Despite Hollywood being hit by scandal after scandal, 2017 has been quite stellar in regards to introducing us to some unforgettable films.

The difficulty of writing a top five list of best movies is narrowing them down. There hasn’t been a month that has gone by where there wasn’t at least one narratively pleasing film. Another thing to point out is that this year has produced not only blockbusters but dramas that have such depth and meaning about them. Did I want to look deep into my soul and discuss movies that I have found particularly relatable or did I want annoy to you with my comments about action-based films (aka the fall of DC after Justice League)? So, I’ve simply decided to highlight the films that I still cannot stop thinking about.

Whilst the list of my favourite films of 2017 is definitely more than this list, here are my top five purely from a fan-girls perspective.

5) Logan Lucky


Courtesy of StudioCanal UK


The heist comedy is a typical Steven Soderbergh film, incorporating the same exciting thrill as all the Ocean’s films just with a Southern touch to it. The narrative isn’t only humorous, but it’s incredibly human and emotive. The cast includes Channing Tatum, Adam Driver and Daniel Craig – who has replaced his 007 tux for a stripy onesie.

4) War for the Planet of the Apes


Courtesy of 20th Century Fox


Despite the final instalment in the trilogy not sitting well at the box office, it’s definitely the best film in the series. As a conclusion to the narrative, the tone is truly moving from start to finish. Though through its sometimes apparent bleakness, War for the Planet of the Apes feels like the most appropriate way to say a final goodbye to Caesar and his story.

3) Alien: Covenant


Courtesy of 20th Century Fox


A ship, a remote planet and the return of the Xenomorph.

What really affects the inner fan-girl in me is that Alien: Covenant has been underrated and straight up forgotten about. Covenant highlights director Ridley Scott’s art of scaring audiences to the point of vomit. This film wasn’t Prometheus part two, it answered questions and finally appeared like the original Alien (1979) flick. Even though Michael Fassbender portrayed not one but two AI robots, it was Katherine Waterston who stole the film. Her performance as Daniels fully embodied what an Alien heroine should be – strong, emotional and totally kick-ass.

2) Star Wars: The Last Jedi


Courtesy of Walt Disney Studios and LucasFilms Ltd


Oh boy, oh boy. If you thought The Force Awakens was visually amazing then The Last Jedi will have you hanging on the edge of your seat. This film had me in tears, in stitches from laughing and at times screaming at the cinema screen. Rian Johnson directed the film beautifully and tackled the return of Luke Skywalker gracefully. What more could you ask for? All I can say is that The Last Jedi is a pleasure to watch and Porgs are now my favourite outer space creature.

1)Thor: Ragnarok


Courtesy of Marvel Studios


Valkyrie: “This team of yours, it got a name?

Thor: “yeah, it’s called the… uh….Revengers!”

Taika Waititi has changed Marvel with Thor: Ragnarok. Just through the film’s visual vibrancy you felt at ease and happy whilst watching it, and to balance it out it had the correct amount of humour in it. This is the Marvel film we all needed and it has certainly pushed Thor to be one of the best superheroes in the cinematic universe.

*Header courtesy of Marvel Studios.


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