An Analysis: ‘Alien: Covenant’ Honest Trailer breakdown

A year ago the trailer for Alien: Covenant made for the best Christmas gift, and it made fans ecstatic to see the return of classic Alien convention – you know, the tremendous amount of horror, blood and wait…even more blood. Continue reading An Analysis: ‘Alien: Covenant’ Honest Trailer breakdown

Halloween Film Pick – Alien: Covenant (Review)

It only took a second directorial film for Ridley Scott to introduce the true meaning of horror with Alien. His vivid and graphically gut wrenching exploration of a non-human species cement the notion that audiences enjoy the thrill of being terrified to the core. The consumption of living in the unknown is outweighed by life ending in an extremely bloody way, which in an odd way acts as a feeling of excitement. Continue reading Halloween Film Pick – Alien: Covenant (Review)